Enurisis (Bed Wetting)
Most children wet the bed for the first few years of life, but by the age of four or five children should be able to establish proper bladder control. Enuresis refers to the inability of a child to establish this proper bladder control, which results in involuntary urination. Bed wetting can be attributed to a number of factors – including psychological issues, pathological issues,, or misalignments in the sacral and lumbar area causing spinal nerve interference to the body’s bladder system. The nerve supply to these muscles comes via the sacral parasympathetic nerves from S2 to S4. Appropriate bladder function is also controlled by the urogenital diaphragm, which derives its nerve supply from the L2 spinal nerve.
The sacrum is made up of five segments, all of which fuse later in life. Because the sacrum consists of separate segments during the early years of life, it is possible that misalignment of these segments can cause nerve irritation or facilitation. This nerve facilitation – especially to the area of the bladder – may be the cause of the inappropriate bladder function associated with bed-wetting. During early years of life, the sacrum can be subjected to repeated trauma from childhood falls and the early attempts at walking. This early trauma to the sacrum may be the major reason why bed-wetting in some patients ceases after the spine is adjusted.